"Bejarano Business"
With the fall season upon us, we are like mother nature.
Like she layers the ground with pine needles, leaves to
Warm up for the crisp cold coming upon us. We do, too!
It's time to break out the long sleeves, pants, and jackets!
Starting with James. He still enjoys both his day &
Evening job. During the day he is still repairing each &
Every vehicle that rolls into his stall. The smiles still there,
When he's closing the ol' toolbox & hops into his ol' 1967
Ford Truck to drive home. Evening rolls around & his
Passion, a father begins as soon as he walks thru the door.
A loving husband & daddy are just part of his title.
Brenda, still active as a Pampered Chef Consultant,
Bunco playing as well as staying home doing the
Cooking, cleaning & caring for our lil' blessings. It's
Happiness & I love it!
Nathaniel, he is growing and enjoying life. His days
In school have just begun with much learning, counting,
Singing & saying these phrases that makes our eyes shine.
What a joy as a son as well as a big brother, "D"!
Isabel, she is full of life with her little legs a walking slowly
& quickly at times not to miss out on anything. She loves
Waving goodbye to all that pass by, her eyes so bright,
Full of learning, and new discoveries, too! A younger sister
& daughter is her title proudly worn with a sweet sincere smile.
Sparky, he loves sleeping & laying out during the day
In the warm sun. He is joyfully tugged on, hugged on &
Used as a toy by the children. Love of life = Sleep!
Every 3 months, 1 month late with new pictures,
Sorry for being late although there it is our
Autumn/Fall 2008 Updated!
God Bless with Love,
James, Brenda, Nathaniel, Isabel & Sparky Bejarano