Walking in a winter wonderland.
Then pretend that he is Parson Brown
Truly unique in our own little way...
Check it out and just go for a drive...you'll be enlightened. Here's the website:
Nathaniel, he is growing and enjoying life. His days
In school have just begun with much learning, counting,
Singing & saying these phrases that makes our eyes shine.
What a joy as a son as well as a big brother, "D"!
Isabel, she is full of life with her little legs a walking slowly
& quickly at times not to miss out on anything. She loves
Waving goodbye to all that pass by, her eyes so bright,
Full of learning, and new discoveries, too! A younger sister
& daughter is her title proudly worn with a sweet sincere smile.
Sparky, he loves sleeping & laying out during the day
In the warm sun. He is joyfully tugged on, hugged on &
Used as a toy by the children. Love of life = Sleep!
Every 3 months, 1 month late with new pictures,
Sorry for being late although there it is our
Autumn/Fall 2008 Updated!
God Bless with Love,
James, Brenda, Nathaniel, Isabel & Sparky Bejarano